Guide: How to Block Strangers on Facebook

One of my friends decided not to use her personal photo as a Facebook image. Instead, she used some abstract images to fill up the space. When I asked her the reason behind it she told me when she did it up her personal profile picture her Facebook account is inundated with friend requests and messages from complete strangers. Needless to say, she’s a beautiful girl. This was not a one-time thing. When I asked some of my other friends (girls) if they had a similar problem, most of them told me they were fed up with guys sneaking up on them on Facebook. I did some research on Facebook’s privacy settings and discovered one feature on Facebook that could help my friends. This specific Facebook feature does not hide our profile from complete strangers, but keeps their intrusion to an absolute minimum. Read on to know how to implement these restrictions.

Block strangers on Facebook

Step 1: Log into your Facebook account and open Privacy settings from the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 2: In Privacy Settings, find the How to Connect option and click the Edit Settings link. Here you can control how you connect with people on Facebook.

Step 3: If you don’t want people to find you with your name, email address, and phone number change the Who can find you up using the email address or phone number you have provided? to friends of friends. If the friend request and Facebook messages annoy you, change Who can send you friend requests? and who can send you Facebook messages? to friends of friends.

You can also go ahead and select only friends, but then your profile will be too limited and even a mutual friend of a friend won’t be able to send you friend requests. Finally, save the settings and make the changes permanent. From now on, you can post any image you want without strangers sending your spam messages and requests. Note: Recently, Facebook mandated that every user’s profile picture should be public, but that shouldn’t be too much of a concern if you’ve entered the privacy settings above.


While Facebook has had privacy issues and backslidden due to its lackluster approach to such issues, it has seen many changes and new features that help a user to intelligently filter access and data. It’s just a matter of knowing and using them. Most of my friends have changed their privacy settings on Facebook and they thank me for making their Facebook account clean and spam free. Hopefully this will help you too.

How to Block Strangers on Facebook: benefits


Final note

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