How to Block Websites From Requesting Notification Access – Guide

Well, websites can now show you notifications through your PC or smartphone browsers as long as you have allowed them. And so most websites, including news and shopping portals, keep asking for consent to send notifications through screen pop-ups. The number of websites we visit these days and the number of times we have to click “No” button make the web experience quite unpleasant. In fact, sites that are not even relevant are interfering with access permission. So here we have a simple guide in how to prevent websites from requesting access to notifications in your browser. We’ve included instructions for Chrome, FireFox, Edge, Opera, and Safari; so keep reading. There are a few simple steps you need to take to block notification requests in your web browser.

How to block websites from requesting notification access

How to block website requesting notifications on chrome desktop

How to block website requesting notifications on Firefox desktop

How to block website requesting notifications in Edge browser on desktop

How to block website asking for notifications in safari

Final note

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