How to Block Youtube Specific Ads – Guide

If you like the idea of ​​blocking arrogant ads but don’t want to steal revenue from sites you love, you can configure AdBlock to allow all ads by default and use them as needed. can block. While Google is doing its part to improve your web advertising experience by blocking ads that don’t meet certain standards, it’s never a bad idea to put it where you want it. That’s where AdBlock comes into play, but not in the way you traditionally think with this controversial plugin. By default, AdBlock blocks all ads with ads. While I can see how tempting this can be, not all ads are bad, arrogant or otherwise. In fact, advertising is how many sites make money, including the one you’re reading right now. While we strive to ensure that the advertising experience is as out of the way as possible, we also understand that not all sites are as aware of their ad placement as they should or perhaps care. It is not there. Whatever the reason, if there comes a time when a website is forcing too many ads down your neck, it’s time to block them.

How to block specific ads on YouTube

This refers to the creator’s ability to block certain ads on their channel. This simply refers to ads you don’t want on your channel, rather than blocking all ads on your channel.

Final note

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