Guide: How to Blur part of an Image in Paint 3D

Sometimes you want to blur part of a photo to hide details. While powerful image editing tools can do the same, choosing the best one for your needs and comfort can be challenging. Fortunately, Microsoft has made the new Paint 3D capable enough to show you part of a photo on your Windows desktop or laptop. Sure, it’s a bit tricky, so we’re here to help. That said, Paint 3D, similar to its sibling MS Paint, doesn’t offer a dedicated blur option. So the process isn’t easy, but there are some workarounds. You can use Paint 3D to blur screenshots, additional objects, and even the background. Let’s take a look at the different methods of pixelating or blurring part of a photo in Paint 3D on Windows 10.

Method 1: Blur with the selection tool

In this method, you need to select the area you want to blur. Next, you need to reduce the size as small as possible. Once that happens, resize to fit the original area. The selected part of the photo will be blurred. Here are the steps in detail: Step 1: Launch the Paint 3D app on your Windows 10 PC and open the image. Step 2: Click on the selection tool present under the Brushes tab. Step 3: Select the part you want to blur. For example, I want to blur the toy in the following image. Step 4: Use the lower right corner of the selection and drag the selection box inward to make it smaller. Make it very small. But keep in mind that it should be just enough for you to be able to resize it again. Click anywhere on the image. You will see the remaining area turn white. Step 5: Select the area you resized. Be careful not to add white space from the remaining area. Now, instead of reducing the size, increase the size using the bottom right corner in a way that it fits the white area. Step 6: Click anywhere on the image. Your photo with a blurred portion is ready. Note: You may have problems at the beginning. But after a few tries, you will become familiar with how to blur images in Paint 3D. Of course, this method does not produce any of the nicest results. But the images should be good enough to be shared through social media or messaging apps.

Method 2: Cover with similar area

In this method, we will blur the portion of the image with the pixels from the near area. The advantage of this method is that the final image looks less edited (or tacky) compared to the previous method. If you do it carefully, you can easily remove objects and texts from your image. Here are the steps for the same: Step 1: Open your image in the Paint 3D app. Step 2: Select a small area on the right or left near the area you want to blur or hide with the Selection tool. For example, I want to hide the text ‘M Voda added you in the following screenshot. I will select the correct area. Step 3: Use the center box of the selection area and drag it to the area you want to hide. With the help of the other small boxes you can adjust its size and position. Step 4: Click anywhere to apply it. This is what the final image will look like.

Method 3: Using Magic Select Tool

This method takes advantage of Paint 3D’s great Magic Select tool to blur part of the image. To do this, we must first select the part using the Magic Selection tool and then automatically fill the background with the tool. Here are the steps: Step 1: Open your image in the Paint 3D. Step 2: Click on the magic selection tool present under the Brushes option. Step 3: A frame will appear on your image. Using the small checkboxes, choose the area you want to blur. For example, I want to blur the monkey in the following image. Then click Next on the right. Step 4: Use the Add or Remove buttons, if the automatic selection is not perfect, refine the selection. Make sure the Autofill background is selected. Finally, press Done. Step 5: You will notice new icons around your selected image. Press the Delete key on your keyboard. That will remove the area you want and fill it with a blurry background similar to your actual image.

A careful stitch

If you want to blur a lot of images, we recommend that you download an image editing tool that has a special button for the same. It’s pretty easy that way. You can try free tools such as PhotoScape, GIMP, PicsArt and more. For single or incidental use, the Paint 3D should serve you well. The next up: Do you want to make a logo for free? Checking out how to create a logo on Windows with Paint 3D from the following link.

How to Blur part of an Image in Paint 3D: benefits


Final note

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