How to book vaccination slot on WhatsApp – Guide

MyGov Corona Helpdesk, the Ministry of Health’s official COVID-19 support chatbot, can now be used to book vaccination slots via WhatsApp. The chat bot will now allow users to book vaccination slots for their first and second shots and make appointments via the instant messaging app. This comes after MyGov Corona Helpdesk recently gained the ability to download an electronic copy of the vaccine certificate. WhatsApp says that so far users across the country have downloaded more than 32 lakh of certificates. This bot was introduced in March of last year to help contain misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic. WhatsApp says that since then, more than 41 million users across India have accessed the chat bot. WhatsApp users can now access government chatbot MyGov Corona Helpdesk vaccination slots just by sending ‘book slot’ to WhatsApp number 9013151515. WhatsApp now allows you to locate the nearest vaccination center and reserve a vaccination slot vaccine. WhatsApp users nationwide can now access book vaccination slots from government chatbot MyGov Corona Helpdesk simply by sending ‘book slot’ to WhatsApp number 9013151515. around the coronavirus pandemic. Users can use the same chatbot to download the vaccination certificate. Until now, users could book vaccination slots through the CoWIN website. See How to book a vaccine spot on WhatsApp.

How to book vaccination vacancy on WhatsApp

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