Guide: How to Boost Downloading Speed in Chrome Browser

If you’re one of the millions of users of this hugely popular web browser, you’ve probably noticed a few drawbacks. That’s fine. Every browser has some shortcomings, and Google Chrome does a pretty good job in this department compared to others. Let’s say you download something directly from the browser. Now you may have noticed that the download speeds do not match your actual speed as stated by the provider. But don’t go ahead yet and change your browser as most (if not all) browsers have the same problem. Slow downloads can really ruin your browsing experience, but thankfully Chrome makes it easy to speed up up both Chrome and your download speeds in the process. Here is how to do it.

The tweaks

So you are looking at the download speed of a file in Google Chrome Downloads window. The speed mentioned raises your eyebrow. You pause the download, go to your go-to speed test website, and everything seems fine with your connection. Your torrent downloader appears to be downloading things at maximum speeds. Your Steam app is also performing ideally, in terms of speed. What’s the deal here? That’s a problem many have encountered over the years. Some have even settled on the fact that their browser’s download speed is slower than the actual internet download speed. Fortunately, Google Chrome and Windows give you ways to change and improve this.

Google Chrome settings

The first step to increase your Google Chrome download speed is to adjust the settings of Google Chrome. Here is how to open the Settings tab. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of your browser screen and click Settings from the drop-down menu. Scroll down on the Settings tab and click Advanced to access more settings. This is where the menus can differ from user to user. If you Use a web service to troubleshoot navigation errors input, disable this setting. You can turn off each setting by clicking the corresponding switch to the right of it. Perform the same action on the called item Use a prediction service to help complete searches and URLs in the address bar. Now find it Send a “Do Not Track” request with your browsing traffic input and you will see it is disabled (default). Turn it on by flipping the switch on the right. That’s pretty much all you can do from Google Chrome. You may notice that your Chrome download speeds increase a bit, but you can do more in Windows settings.

Windows settings

Internet settings can affect your Chrome download speeds. Fortunately a bit neat tricks can help you get the most of your Chrome downloads. Click on it on your desktop Get started icon in the lower left corner of the screen. After the Start menu appears up, type ‘internet options“Or”Internet propertiesAnd left click on the result. A window will appear up, with a variety of internet settings. Go to it Connections tab in the top part of the screen, then click LAN settings below the Local Area Network (LAN) settings section.

In the window that pops up up after clicking LAN settings, make sure it Automatically detect settings option is active. Click now OK, close the Internet Properties / Options window and restart your computer. Your Google Chrome downloads should now be faster. In general, after adjusting the Google Chrome settings and Windows settings, you should see an increase in your Google Chrome speeds. However, there are other things to consider.

Things to keep in mind

Just because you’ve followed everything carefully from above doesn’t mean your Chrome download speeds are skyrocketing. There are still limits and certain actions and processes will result in reduced Chrome download speeds. Some of these things are obvious, others not so much. First, the more downloads that occur at the same time, the slower they will all be. However, if you have one active item in your Downloads tab on Chrome and it is not performing well in terms of speed, the culprit is hiding elsewhere. For example, you can download a game through your Steam or Epic Games apps. This download will affect your Chrome download speeds. Alternatively, your torrent program may be active and some active downloads may occur. Even if your torrent files have been downloaded, they may be in the Sowing process, that eats up much of your upload. You may not be aware of it, but an upload process can affect your download speeds. Make sure to pause all your game and torrent downloads or disable the affected apps if you’re downloading something from Chrome.

It all adds up up

Some apps don’t need to download / upload anything to affect the speeds. As long as an app uses the internet to work, it eats up part of your bandwidth. Granted this is probably a very small chunk, but it all adds up up. If you’ve been running many apps at the same time, from music players like Spotify to antivirus programs, your Chrome downloads can feel it. The problem with these apps is that they often run in the drawer (the arrow in the bottom right corner of the screen). Right-click on these apps to close them and watch Google Chrome download speed improve. Finally, if you are playing an online game, you can bet it will slow down your downloads. Online games, especially MMORPGs, tend to eat up your internet. So finish the game, turn it off, download the files you need and run the game up again.

Chrome and download speeds

Any internet activity can affect your Chrome download speeds. Make sure you have adjusted Chrome and Windows settings and are running one app, game, or download at a time. You don’t want to overload your internet or overload your router. Have you ever encountered similar download speed issues? Did the mentioned solutions help you speed up? up your Chrome downloads? Maybe you have some tips? Feel free to click on the comment section below and add your thoughts / questions / advice.

How to Boost Downloading Speed in Chrome Browser: benefits


Final note

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