How to Can­cel Stor­age Plan of iCloud With­out using an iPhone – Guide

Have you found that you have more storage space on iCloud than you need? Maybe you’ve signed up for an iCloud storage plan and then realized you’re not filling it out. up as much as you thought. The good news is, you can downgrade or cancel your iCloud storage plan at any time. Downgrading or canceling a storage plan will not take effect until your current subscription billing expires. Since iCloud has a 5GB free storage plan, you can downgrade to another paid plan or to the free plan (which would mean canceling the paid subscription). If you downgrade and your iCloud storage exceeds the capacity of the new storage plan, the platform will not sync or update your data. This happens only after you go back to a new plan or delete information to make room for more.

Steps to cancel your iPhone-free iCloud storage plan are provided below

How to cancel an iCloud storage plan on a PC

How to cancel an iCloud storage plan on a Mac

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Can­cel Stor­age Plan of iCloud With­out using an iPhone. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

How to Can cel Stor age Plan of iCloud With out using an iPhone  2022  - 49How to Can cel Stor age Plan of iCloud With out using an iPhone  2022  - 87How to Can cel Stor age Plan of iCloud With out using an iPhone  2022  - 12How to Can cel Stor age Plan of iCloud With out using an iPhone  2022  - 68