How to Capture Screenshot in macOS Mojave – Guide

A screenshot is an easy way to share what’s on your screen. If it’s a bug, you can take a picture and send it to tech support. If it’s a social media message, you can capture the moment and share the image with your friends and followers. Screen capture tools for Mac have always been easy to use, albeit a bit rudimentary. You could capture just about anything – if you knew the right keyboard shortcuts. Since the release of Mojave, macOS now has a built-in screenshot tool – similar to Windows – that lets you take screenshots with the click of a mouse. To open the screenshot tool, navigate to Launchpad > Other > Screenshot or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Command + 5. The floating toolbar offers options to capture the entire screen, a selected window, or a custom area of ​​the screen . You can also capture a full screen video or a custom selection. Apple insists iOS and macOS will never merge into one digital giant, but at least the company is increasingly willing to share the most useful. features between the two platforms. Take, for example, the ability to bookmark screenshots in iOS 11. It has quickly become one of our favorite tools on the iPhone, as you can quickly circle or highlight certain passages in a screenshot of an email, or bookmark a local in a photo and then send that file to a friend via iMessage. With macOS Mojave, that same great feature is coming to Apple’s desktop system, along with a bunch of Mac improvements (many of which are familiar from the preview). Here it is how to use the.

How to Capture a Screenshot in macOS Mojave

To capture the entire screen

To capture part of the screen

To capture a window or the menu bar

To capture a menu and its title

Final note

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