How to capture videos on your iPhone – Guide

People who behave inappropriately have become commonplace in today’s culture. On airlines, supermarkets, and public parks, you’ve probably seen viral videos of people yelling at each other. Some of these events pass quickly, leaving others wishing they could have recorded them in camera with your smartphone. To be honest, certain moments pass by us too quickly for us to take our phones, open the camera application, scroll the options to video and push the red register button. However, the iPhone includes a hidden fast recording feature that few people know about. Here it is how to use the “Quick Record” feature on your iPhone.

How to Knife

open the camera application of home screen or using the camera icon in the lower right corner of a locked iPhone. hold the red shutter button. This will automatically start recording video and audio, which is faster than having to slide the slider to find the video recording option. That’s it. You don’t have to keep your finger on the shutter button like you go on Instagram or Snapchat. You can remove your finger and continue recording. If you want to zoom in, use your finger to slide up or down to zoom in and out. The video will be saved to your camera scroll in the same way as if you had followed the steps to record. There is a small trade-off using Quick Record. Video recorded this way will not be recorded at the iPhone’s highest video setting. It will be recorded in Very Good or VGA instead of 4K or HD. That’s a small downside when you’re talking about capturing a once-in-a-lifetime moment. And remember, if you capture something on video with your smartphone that you’d like to share with us, call phone horizontally so it’s in the widescreen format we use to put on the TV.

Final note

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