How to Change a Discord Profile Picture – Guide

want to change things up in your Discord profile by toggling up your profile picture? Discord allows you to change your profile in a number of ways, including replacing your profile picture with the default avatar. Whether you don’t like the current one or just want a new one for fun, it’s an easy process. Your profile picture is the public face you represent to Discord communities. The combination of a powerful image and username can say a lot about a person. While there’s a lot to be said for a consistent profile picture, finding a good picture that represents you helps people give the impression of a consistent identity. In this article, we will show you how to change your Discord avatar in mobile application as well as on the desktop.

How to Update your Discord avatar

The process for adding or updating your profile photo is the same in a browser and in the app. You can also remove the image; Discord does not require one.

How to Update your Discord image at Mobile

The process to change your avatar through Discord mobile application is similar. The screenshots below are from Android, but the process is the same on an iPhone, just with a different look and feel. Again, you can remove your avatar completely if you don’t want one.

Final note

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