How to Change Chromecast Screensaver – Guide

Google’s Chromecast is a customizable smart device. It allows the user to customize many options. When your Chromecast is in sleep mode, it doesn’t go to black screen like a smartphone. However, by default it plays a slideshow of photos from around the world, just like the Google Hangouts website wallpaper. If this slideshow bothers you, you can change Chromecast screensaver with your personal photos. To change Chromecast screensaver you need Google Home application on your smartphone. The app is officially available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Install the app from the relevant app store if you don’t already have the app. Download Google Home app on your smartphone and follow the steps below to change the image. Make sure Android/iOS and Chromecast are connected to the same network. Customize Ambient Mode and other options appear at the top of the screen. These are the steps you need to follow to change Chromecast Screensaver photos. Unfortunately, there is no way to customize the PC screensaver or laptop. You should trust Google Home app on your Android smartphone or iPhone/iPad.

How to Change Chromecast Screensaver

Final note

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