How to Change Slide Size in Google Slides – Guide

If you use projectors and monitors for your presentation, these types of screens may not be a good choice. However, Google Slides lets you change the aspect ratio of your presentations by choosing between 16:9 (widescreen), 16:10, 4:3 (default) and custom. Depending on where you are giving your presentation, you may need a widescreen version or a 4:3 screen version. This one tutorial will show you how to change the aspect ratio step by step. Click the drop-down menu and select your preferred page size. Alternatively, you can go to the Custom option and enter the page dimensions manually. Whichever option you choose, after selecting the size you want, click Apply. Remember that once you change the original aspect ratio of your presentation, all elements and images will be confused up and you will have to readjust them one by one on the slides or even on the master slides. However, to make the most of these options, you need to fully understand Google Slides. And one of the essential characteristics to create the most effective presentation is knowing how to resize slides.

How to Change slide size in Google Slides

How to Change slide size in Google Slides manually

Final note

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