How to Change the Background Color of Any Image in GIMP – Guide

Image editing programs are an amazing tool for people to communicate their creativity. Regardless of whether you do this for fun or want to create fabulous looks, you may have encountered GIMP by coincidence. This free handset caught the attention of many for some time now. It’s free and offers many features to liven up your thoughts. From fundamental to more complicated choices, you can accomplish a lot with this program. Why don’t we start with something as simple as changing the background color? Keep reading to find out how to They do this.

GIMP Tutorial – How to Change the background color of any image

Final note

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How to Change the Background Color of Any Image in GIMP  2022  - 50How to Change the Background Color of Any Image in GIMP  2022  - 43How to Change the Background Color of Any Image in GIMP  2022  - 76How to Change the Background Color of Any Image in GIMP  2022  - 75