It can be fun to personalize your Mac to make it feel more familiar and at home by changing your desktop background or profile picture, for example. You only need to set aside a minute or two to change your Mac’s profile photo, which is the icon you see every time you log into your computer. If you’re like the majority of users, you’re probably still using the Mac setup’s User Account Profile Picture. Fortunately, it is very simple to replace the User Profile Picture on a Mac with a custom image or one of your own photos. We mentioned below are the steps to Change user account profile picture on Mac.

Steps to Change user account profile picture on Mac

Final Words

That’s it with our article on how to Change user account profile picture on Mac. Users of Macs have a variety of options available to them for customizing their accounts, such as choosing a particular screensaver or background. Changing the image that appears for your account on the login screen and in user menus is another way to personalize it.

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