How To Change Wallpaper Automatically by Time, Day and Location – Guide

To be contextually aware home wallpapers, the first thing you need to do is install the app, which is called Smart Wallpaper.

Step 3Select a condition for your auto wallpapers

When you get to the main menu, you will see a list of all conditions that Smart Wallpaper can use to automatically change your background image. To get started, tap the “Select” button button next to one of the entries, then tap on the entry itself to do a little personalization. From here, if you’re running Android Marshmallow or higher, you’ll need to give Smart Wallpaper permission to access your photos. So, tap on the yellow bar near the top of the screen and press “Allow” on the pop-up.up subsequent.

Set different wallpapers for each subcondition

From here, you’ll see a list of the sub-conditions you can assign a unique wallpaper to. So tap on one of them and then tap on the frowning face in the next pop-up.up. From here, just select an image for that specific subcondition and repeat this process for any of the remaining subconditions.

Add WiFi networks (WiFi condition only)

If you chose Wi-Fi as a condition for your smart wallpaper, things will be a little different as you will have to add the networks you connect to. Then tap the + button on the right side of the screen and select a Wi-Fi network from the list. After that, you will be asked to associate a wallpaper to this Wi-Fi network, so choose one using the file browser menu. When you’re done, you can add automatic wallpapers for other networks using the same process.

Enable smart wallpaper

At this point, the only thing left to do is to set Smart Wallpaper as your own. home screen background. So after choosing the images for each subcondition, press the back of your device button once. From here, tap on the “Activate” button button near the top of the screen and press “Set wallpaper” in the menu below. At this point, you’re good to go. From now on, your wallpaper will automatically change when your condition changes. With some conditions it can take a few seconds for the new wallpaper to be applied after something changes, but you will likely never notice this as it happens silently in the background.

Final note

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