How to change your WhatsApp number easily – Guide

WhatsApp allows you to easily change your phone number without losing your chats. We explain How to do this. The instant messaging platform is one of the most used applications by most smartphone users. Many people use it to send messages and make voice and video calls. Those features make WhatsApp a preferred solution for smartphone users. However, how does WhatsApp work with your phone number, you need to update your WhatsApp account by changing your existing number. And it is quite possible for regular WhatsApp users to change their phone number without losing the chats stored in the app. To facilitate the change of phone number, WhatsApp has a special change number feature. This allows you to easily switch from an old phone number for a new one. O feature it also allows users to automatically notify their contacts of the change. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to change your whatsapp number.

How to change your whatsapp number easily

Final note

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