How to Check full Specifications of Windows 11 PC – Guide

Your PC specs are very important to have on hand ahead of the public release of Windows 11 on October 5th. They help you determine whether or not the new operating system will allow you to run specific games, applications, and programs. Also, if you’re a gamer with custom gear, the specs can help you determine whether or not to upgrade. Windows 11 makes it simple to examine your machine’s characteristics, just like Windows 10. It only takes a few easy steps and following the instructions on our tutorial.

How to Find computer specs in Windows 11

1. How to Check Windows 11 PC Specifications in System Properties

two. How to Check Windows 11 computer specs under Settings

3. How to Check computer specs using CMD

4. How to See Windows 11 computer specs using system information

5. How to To check Laptop Windows 11 Specifications Using Powershell

Final note

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