Take a close look at the display of the used iPhone that is for sale to determine if it is original or not. Examine the corners and edges of the iPhone’s display when doing so. If you notice any damage, it’s likely that the display is made of parts from a third party. We mentioned below are the ways to Check if iPhone has Genuine OLED Panel.

Ways to Check if iPhone has Genuine OLED Panel

Go to settings on iPhone models

Shine a flashlight on the screen

By shining a spotlight on your iPhone screen, you can quickly determine if it is authentic or not. Simply direct the light towards the iPhone’s screen to do this. ‍Pay attention to how the light reflects on the display. Grid lines frequently appear on fake displays and can be seen with a flashlight. These could be scrolling horizontally, vertically, or in both directions across the screen. The most frequent causes of this are incompatible software, broken hardware, or screen damage. Your iPhone’s screen will be completely black and devoid of any grid lines if it is authentic.

Turn your brightness all the way up

The maximum brightness level of the most recent iPhone models is somewhere between 1200 and 1300 units. This indicates that iPhone screens have the best color fidelity in their class and may get exceptionally bright. This can be used to determine whether the screen on your iPhone is genuine. Open a solid black image by simply sliding the brightness slider all the way up. For a screen that is totally black, visit this website. Zoom in and examine the display after you’ve arrived at this screen. It will appear completely dark, as if you haven’t turned on your iPhone, if you have a true Retina OLED screen. You might have an LCD screen that isn’t from Apple, though, if the technique used to replace the screen wasn’t authentic. If you see spots, white or grey marks, or color mismatches on your screen, it probably isn’t real. A display for an iPhone that isn’t completely, solid black is not an original iPhone display.

Get a device certification report

You can obtain a thorough device certification report if you want the full scoop on the validity of your iPhone. If you’re trying to buy or sell a secondhand phone, this is extremely helpful. Your device status, carrier information, and phone repair history are just a few of the many details you may find in a device certification report. It simply takes a few minutes to complete the process. Making sure all of your iPhone’s parts are genuine through a device certification report can help you save time and give your phone a fair market value if you’re looking to sell it or buy a refurbished one.

Multi-touch issues

Multi-touch is one of the most prevalent problems with a fake touch screen. The responsiveness and accuracy of non-genuine iPhone screens will be inferior. Some indications of a fake screen include:

Final Words

That’s it with our article on how to Check if iPhone has Genuine OLED Panel. Make sure the display is authentic before you consider purchasing a used iPhone from someone. In fact, according to some data, a third of iPhone users break their phones’ displays each year. That’s a sizable number, and if you choose to buy a used device, it only increases the likelihood that you will receive an iPhone with a non-original display.

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