How to check the battery health of your laptop – Guide

Batteries will never last forever, along with the battery that powers your laptop. It looks like a power source that powers your device should be the tech equivalent of an endless jaw-breaker, but like any other battery, the laptop it also has a life cycle, which ends at some point. It is very important to keep an eye on the health of the laptop battery for this reason: it can, and probably will, die at some point, and you don’t want to get stuck replacing it in a grip. Also, just because your battery ran out doesn’t mean you need to buy a new one. laptop. Let’s take a look at How to check the integrity of your laptop battery on PCs and Mac laptops.

How to Checks laptop battery health: Run battery report

The Battery Report tool is hidden just below the surface of Windows 10, but it’s easy to use when you know where to look. O trick is to use the Windows command prompt – here’s how: Once you have a copy of your Windows laptop battery report, you should have all the information you need to diagnose your battery’s health. laptop.

How to Checks laptop battery health: what to look for

The fastest way to find out how long your laptop battery can last, skip down to the Battery Life Estimates section of your newly created battery report. There, you’ll see estimates of how long your battery should last, based on how you’ve used it in the past. Keep in mind that these are imperfect auto-generated estimates, so you’re likely to see some weird math or confusing numbers as you scroll down the list, especially if you’ve used the laptop erratically recently or left it unused for long periods of time. The most important things to note are the numbers under the Active heading: these are estimates of how long your battery would have lasted based on your laptop usage, formatted as hours, minutes, seconds. Also note that there are two columns of active battery life estimates: Fully charged and At design capacity. They are important because they estimate the difference between your laptop’s battery capacity now and when it was new. At full charge, active time is an estimate of how long your laptop battery can last based on its current capacity, while At Design Capacity is an estimate of how long your laptop battery could have lasted when it was new from the factory. You can also get some useful insights from the Battery Capacity History section of the battery report. You can find it in the middle of the report and it provides a dated list of Total Load Capacity measured against project capacity. Full charge capacity is a measure of how much power the battery actually holds, and design capacity is the amount of power it is designed to support. So, over time, you should see the total charge capacity decrease compared to the project capacity as your laptop battery ages and loses its ability to hold a charge. Once Your Laptop If your company’s total carrying capacity drops 25% to 50% below its designed capacity, it’s probably time to start thinking about a replacement.

How to Checks laptop battery health: test the battery yourself

If the battery life estimates section is not giving a satisfactory picture of how healthy your laptop is, you can test the battery yourself and use the Battery Report to measure the results. See how: Performing these steps provides a good way to get a up- updated idea of ​​how long your laptop can last with full charge. You can run this test every few months to keep track of your laptop battery health or experiment with different workloads (an entire day surfing the web and emailing vs. an entire day watching movies or playing games, for example) to get a better sense of which activities drain your laptop battery the most fast.

Final note

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