You will see a variety of techniques in this guide for determining Ubuntu’s version. Remember that Ubuntu version numbers use the format YY.MM, therefore an installation of version 22.04 was made available in April 2022. Ubuntu also employs code names, such as Jammy Jellyfish, that combine an animal name and an adjective. These are merely playful names for each release, with the YY.MM format serving as the best identifier of your Ubuntu version’s age. We also mentioned below are the steps to how to Check Ubuntu Version in 2022.

Steps to Check Ubuntu Version in 2022

Check Ubuntu Version via Command Line

Check Ubuntu Version with lsb_release Command

  1. Open the terminal (use the Ctrl+Alt+T keyboard shortcut).
  2. Type in the following command and hit Enter:
  3. To display only the description line, use the -d tag:
  4. Add the -c tag to display the codename line as well:
  5. Show only the release number by combining the -r and -s tags:

Check Ubuntu Version with cat /etc/lsb-release Command

  1. Alternatively, you can use the command:

Check Ubuntu Version with cat /etc/*release Command

  1. To get more in-depth information about the Ubuntu release, you can also use the command:
  2. The command is platform agnostic. On Ubuntu, the file’s name is os-release and the following command uses the full file name:

Check Ubuntu Version with hostnamectl Command

  1. Another command that also gives you information about the Ubuntu version is the hostnamectl command:

Check Ubuntu Version with cat /etc/issue Command

  1. The /etc/issue file contains the text which displays when a user connects via SSH. Use the cat command to fetch the contents:
  2. For a cleaner output, use:

Check Ubuntu Version Using screenfetch

The screenfetch utility is a Bash script for generating useful and visually pleasing OS information.

  1. Install screenfetch using the apt package manager:
  2. The installation asks for confirmation. Press Y to continue.
  3. When the installation completes, run the command:

Check Ubuntu Version using neofetch

The neofetch utility is a Bash script and a more modern version of screenfetch. To install and use neofetch, follow the steps below:

  1. Install neofetch with the apt package manager:
  2. Run the command:

Check Ubuntu Version via Graphical Interface

  1. First, select Activities in the top left corner.
  2. In the search bar, enter Settings and click on the icon once it appears in the results.
  3. In the System Settings window, click on the Details tab.
  4. The Details section displays which Ubuntu version number you have, along with other information about your operating system.

Final Words

We hope you like our article on how to Check Ubuntu Version in 2022. A good substitute for Windows and macOS is the open-source Ubuntu operating system. The open-source system has a wide range of pre-installed apps and is quite adaptable. Programmers can use it to implement their own software projects or to further develop its programs. However, there will inevitably be times when you want to install extra programs.

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