As mentioned earlier, VRAMs have different capacities that enable graphical processing. The graphics card or VRAM calculates the graphical data of a program and then transfers it to the CPU. This allows for better computer performance and RAM overload. VRAM is usually installed as a modular design in desktop computers, where you can easily replace the chip with a better one. In laptops, on the other hand, it is usually soldered onto the motherboard. In addition, many modern laptops are equipped with a second graphics card that can perform extensive graphics calculations. We have mentioned steps below to Check VRAM Capacity on Windows 11

Steps to Check VRAM Capacity on Windows 11

Final Words

That’s it with our article on how to Check VRAM Capacity on Windows 11. VRAM, commonly known as video random access memory, is essentially the graphics card’s memory capacity. Once the graphics card’s storage capacity is reached, the computer will begin to slow down. At this point, it will require additional VRAM to continue processing what is being shown on your screen, especially when gaming and working with graphics-intensive jobs like motion graphics creation or 3D modelling.

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