How to check what type of processor your Android device has – Guide

Starting with the release of Android Lollipop, the Xposed Framework installation process got a little more complicated. Not only are there separate installers for each version of Android, but now you need to know exactly what type of processor is on your device to ensure you are downloading the correct files. In fact, CPU architecture is becoming a factor in more and more scenarios these days, including certain sideloaded app updates and of course custom ROMs. There are three main CPU architectures used in Android today phones. ARM is perhaps the most common as it is optimized for battery consumption. The ARM64 is an evolution of the original ARM architecture that supports 64-bit processing for more powerful computers and is quickly becoming the standard in newer devices. Then there’s the x86, which is a little more powerful than both types of ARM CPUs, but not as battery-friendly, so the least common of the three. As we all know, a processor is an electronic integrated circuit that performs various calculations like arithmetic, logic, input/output (I/O) and other basic instructions provided by an operating system (OS). Likewise, in a smartphone, the processor performs operations that provide all the system functions necessary to support a device’s applications. This also includes memory management, graphics processing and multimedia decoding.

Steps to Check Android Processor phone (ARM, ARM64 or x86)

With three simple steps, you can easily check your Android phone’s Processor as well as the CPU Architecture. Let’s get straight to the point.

Install Droid Hardware Information App

Find CPU architecture and instruction sets

Combine this information with the table

Final note

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