How to Check your Laptop’s Battery Health on Windows 11 – Guide

AN laptop it loses its value without good battery life, no matter how many specifications it offers. A good battery life is essential to ensure that your notebook computer runs well for hours without causing interruptions to your work. If you are concerned about battery life and want to check its integrity, there is a way to do this. In that tutorial, I will show you how to Checks laptop battery health on Windows 11.

Laptop Windows 11 Battery Health

Checking the battery’s health from time to time allows you to watch out for any warning signs you might miss. If you see something problematic, you can fix it quickly and make sure you don’t get caught by surprise when working on an important task. Checking battery health is simple, follow the steps below and you’re ready to go. powercfg / batteryreport / output “C: battery-report.html”

Final note

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How to Check your Laptop s Battery Health on Windows 11  2022  - 16How to Check your Laptop s Battery Health on Windows 11  2022  - 29How to Check your Laptop s Battery Health on Windows 11  2022  - 10How to Check your Laptop s Battery Health on Windows 11  2022  - 31