Guide: How to Clean Drop­box Linked Devices and Apps

Dropbox is a great tool to use on all your devices, but the fact that it’s absolutely everywhere can turn into a serious security drawback. Here is how to beautiful things up a little and make sure you stay safe.

Tons of devices and apps

If you are a user similar to the author of this article, you probably use (and switch between) a number of computers and mobile appliances. That means files and folders on any device. And you definitely want to save the content you produce and the files you work on. And what better place to do that than Dropbox, a great place to quickly find them again once you switch to that new one laptop, Turn right? And if you’re a heavy user of the service (you can even sync PortableApps with it), you’re likely giving Dropbox access to a lot of apps. Well, all these devices and apps will remain in your Dropbox account after they are no longer used and a cleanup is absolutely recommended from time to time as they can pose a security risk. You can also use the steps below to check for security breaches. Namely, if you see something that you are sure you cannot access, you may face some issues. But let’s not put bad things first; cleaning up your account every once in a while is a good idea, even if it’s just done to keep things safer.

Cleaning Dropbox Up

Step 1: Log in to your Dropbox account. Click your name in the top right corner of the main screen. A menu as shown below.

Step 2: Click on Settings in the menu.

Step 3: You will see three tabs. The one you are interested in, where you are going to do your cleaning, is security.

Step 4: Scroll down until you find the Devices section. As I said before, if you use a lot of appliances and never cleaned things before up, there will be quite a few.

Step 5: Found something you don’t use again and never plan to use again? In any case, delete it! This is quite easy to do by clicking the little X. button next to that particular device. Important: If you ever lose one of your gadgets that had access to your Dropbox account, you should immediately deny access to that device from here. Now you know why this is such an important step.

Step 6: Confirm the disconnection of the device from your account and repeat these steps until all devices you no longer need are disconnected.

Cool Tip While you’re here you may also want to take a look at the Sessions section. If you see a session taking place in another country, you should probably be concerned. Step 7: We are now switching to the Apps area, which could pose an even greater security risk. Scroll down until you find the Apps linked section.

Step 8: Once you find something you don’t use anymore (or worse, something you don’t recognize), click the X button next to it, just like you did for appliances. Then confirm the action. The great thing here is that you can keep the app’s files should you wish to.

Bottom Line

A bit of cleaning up your Dropbox account can go a long way when it comes to security, so this should be done from time to time. Top image: devioustree

How to Clean Drop­box Linked Devices and Apps: benefits


Final note

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