How to Clear Safari’s Recent History on iPhone/iPad – Guide

You can clear your entire Safari browser history, just yesterday, or even a single thing if you know where to search. Here’s what you can do, How to do it, and where you can do it. When it comes to tracking, Safari’s retention of browser history is more a matter of convenience than privacy. Safari remembers where you travel when you choose back and forth on a website, for example, because of your history. It’s also how Safari can give you a list of websites you visit frequently because it’s very convenient to be able to return to them with a single click. However, things you didn’t expect to be saved in the history, like a list of downloaded products, are. If you don’t want that, or if you’re tired of Safari taking you to sites you haven’t visited in years, you can clear your browser history. On a Mac, you can also just delete the last hour’s browsing history, for example. So if you share Safari and someone’s special birthday is approaching, you can keep them from finding out that you’re planning to accidentally surprise them with dance lessons.

How to clear search history in Safari on Mac

Alternatively, in Safari you can press Command-Y and the current page will be replaced with a history list. There is a clear history… button towards the upper right corner. Clicking on it gives you the exact same dialog about choosing how long you want to clear your browsing history. But this page also offers an extra option – the ability to delete a specific item.

How to clear an item from Safari search history on Mac

How to clear search history on iPhone

Final note

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