How to Clear Siri and Dictation History in iOS/iPadOS – Guide

Logs are used to optimize iOS voice assistant and can be stored for more than 2 years. Privacy is a top priority and all of your requests are associated with a random identifier that is unrelated to your Apple ID, email address, or any other personally identifiable information that you may link to data. You probably know that while Siri is a “personal assistant”, the interactions you share with the AI ​​are not completely confidential. When you use Siri on your Apple device, your voice is uploaded to the cloud for processing and Apple keeps a copy to test its software. Your Siri history and random identifier will be linked to up to six months. However, your data may be stored for up to 2 years without identification tag. Apple says it uses the information to continually develop and improve Siri, dictation and voice control features. Also, small subsets of verified data can be stored even for more than 2 years, of course without random identifier!

How to Delete Siri and Dictation History in iOS 13 and iPadOS 13

Final note

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