How to Convert Microsoft OneNote Notes to PDF – Guide

OneNote is a useful tool for searching, annotating, and organizing information. Occasionally, you may want to share these notes with someone else, but you don’t want the recipient to make changes to their content. Instead of using OneNote sharing feature, you can save a notebook as a PDF. With OneNote, you can share your entire notebook as a PDF, just a section, or even a single page. Note that when you update a notebook, the changes are not reflected in the PDF file. You should also be careful to select only the part of the notebook you want to save as a PDF, for example, if you only want to save a page as a PDF but save an entire section, you can share information that doesn’t mean anything to someone. When you’re ready to share your OneNote notebook as a PDF, follow the steps below.

How to Convert Microsoft OneNote Notes to a PDF

OneNote for Windows 10

If you use OneNote for Windows 10, the option to export to PDF is not obvious. But don’t worry, we’ll take you there!

OneNote desktop app

The OneNote desktop app for Windows makes the option to export a note as a PDF a little easier to find.

OneNote on Mac

If you use the OneNote app on your Mac, saving a note as a PDF is the easiest of all.

Final note

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