How to Convert WhatsApp Conversation to TXT Format – Guide

We know that WhatsApp offers a backup option to save your chats and media to your Google Drive. If one day you lose your chats, you can easily retrieve them from your Google Drive. But what if your drive runs out of space? It’s completely full. So how can you create your backup on it? So today I will show you an easy method to convert WhatsApp chat conversations to TXT format. Do you want to export/back up WhatsApp chat in a readable format? On WhatsApp, you must get a lot of messages from your friends and relatives. WhatsApp automatically creates a local backup every day at 02:00 (local time). However, this backup cannot be shared directly because it is not in a readable format. Yes, we can convert WhatsApp chats or conversations into human readable format without using any third-party tools or extensions using built-in email chat feature. This is device independent, which means you can easily do this on any device (Android, iPhone, Windows). It is continually updated and offers incredible features to your users. But some features are still in development or need some trick to be used. WhatsApp chat is stored encrypted. We are here with a simple trick to convert a chat to text format without having to decrypt it.

How to Convert WhatsApp Chat Conversations to TXT Format

Here we are just using email chat feature on WhatsApp to create a backup of your chats in TXT format.

Final note

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