How to Cre­ate Pre­sen­ter Notes in iWork Keynote – Guide

In previous entries, we have already discussed Apple’s own set of iWork applications, including Pages, Numbers and, of course, Keynote. The latter in particular, is not only tremendously flexible, but also far superior to MS PowerPoint in terms of usability and aesthetics, two essential aspects for creating presentations. One of the best examples of these aspects is the Keynote custom presenter screen feature. This feature is one of the most useful of this iWork application. It allows you to control a number of options that, in most cases, are visible only to you and provide tremendous help while you present. Let’s take a deeper look at it and find out everything you can use it for. After building your presentation (you can find the Keynote basics here and some tips in this post), go to the Keynote menu bar at the top of the screen, click on the Play menu and select the Customize Presenter Display option.

Your presentation will occupy the entire screen and the Personalize Presenter View panel will be displayed up. The first thing to choose from the available options is to determine whether you want to see only the “current slide” or also the “next slide”, which can help you prepare your notes before they appear. up in your presentation.

Just below this option, you will find the Indicator Ready to Next option. If your current slide has, for example, some photos or animations that show up gradually, selecting this option will display a prompt at the top of the screen when all of these elements have already appeared. To the right of the panel, you will find the Notes check box. This option toggles the display of any notes you may have added to the current slide. This little neat feature Keynote offers a separate area on your slides, visible only to you, where you can write down any requests or thoughts that may be helpful when presenting that slide.

Here it is how to add notes to slides in Keynote: Go to the Keynote View menu in the menu bar and select Show Presenter Notes from the available options. Then, just write whatever is necessary for that specific slide and repeat the process for any desired slide.

The last options on the Personalize presenter screen panel are Clock and Stopwatch. The clock, as you can imagine, helps you control the time by displaying the current time on the screen. The stopwatch is much more versatile. This tool shows by default the time that has elapsed since the start of your Keynote presentation, but if you select the Time remaining option, it will allow you to set a timer if your presentation needs to end after a certain period of time.

And there it is. As you can see, it is extremely simple to start using these tools, once you know what they are for and how to access them. Not only that, but once you start using them, you just don’t want to go back, as they can help you gain full control of your Keynote presentations. Enjoy!

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Cre­ate Pre­sen­ter Notes in iWork Keynote. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

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