Guide: How to Cre­ate What­sApp Group With Only You as Participant

Have you ever wondered if you can create a WhatsApp group with only you as a participant? In others words, create a WhatsApp group without adding other contacts so you can send yourself a message. If you want to create a group to only send messages to yourself, you do not need to create a group. You can also create a regular chat thread. We’ve covered the steps for both procedures in this post. That is, create a WhatsApp group with yourself and how to send yourself a message on whatsapp. The advantage of creating a group instead of using the normal chat thread is that you customize it. That is, you can easily change the name and image just like any other group. After all, the choice is yours. Here are the steps to start creating a group with just yourself.

How to Create a WhatsApp group with just yourself on Android and iPhone

The steps are slightly different for Android and iPhone, but the idea is the same. That is, when you create a WhatsApp group, you will be prompted to add the participants. Since you are now creating a group with yourself, you may only want to add yourself. But that is not possible for two reasons. First, you don’t have to add yourself. The owner or creator of the group is automatically added. Second, you must add at least one person to create a group. That person can be anyone. But just to be on the safe side and to avoid problems, add a close friend or family member. This is because you need to delete them after adding them. Note: We have discussed in detail below what happens when you add or remove a person from a WhatsApp group. Here are the steps for Android and iPhone. Tip: After creating the group, you can change its name and picture.

Create a WhatsApp group with yourself on Android

Step 1: Open WhatsApp on your Android phone and tap the three-dot icon at the top. Select New group.

Step 2: Add a participant of your choice and click the green next icon at the bottom.

Step 3: Type a group name in the group subject box. You can even add a group photo by tapping the group icon. Tap the green check mark. Note: The other person will be notified that you have added them.

Step 4: To remove the person from the group, open the newly created WhatsApp group on your phoneTap the group name at the top. You can also tap the three-dot icon at the top and select Group Information.

Step 5: Scroll down in the group information section and you will find the participants section. Tap the name of the participant you want to remove. Select Delete from the menu. A confirmation dollup will appear. Tap Ok.

Create a WhatsApp group with yourself on iPhone

Step 1: Open WhatsApp and tap the New group option at the top.

Step 2: Add a participant of your choice and tap Next.

Step 3: Type a group name in the Subject box and click Create. Note: The other person will be notified that you have added them to a group. Step 4: To delete the person, open the group you created and tap the name at the top.

Step 5: Scroll down and tap the person’s name under Participants. Select Remove from group and tap Remove to confirm when prompted.

What happens when you add or remove a person from a WhatsApp group

When you add a person to a WhatsApp group, they will be notified and the group will be present on them phoneIf you send a message to the group without deleting them, they will receive it.

Once you delete the person, they will see the text that you deleted them. Even though the group stays on their own phone, they cannot send or receive messages in that group. So now you have the whole group to yourself. You need to pin the group to access it quickly as shown below. Tip: To a group from your phone, open the group and tap the group name at the top. Scroll down and tap Delete. Discover it in detail how to delete WhatsApp groups permanently.

How to WhatsApp Yourself on Android and iPhone

There are two methods of doing that.

Method 1: Add a contact

This method requires you to save your number in the contact list. Then launch the Contacts app and open the newly saved contact. You will find the Message option on WhatsApp. Tap on it.

It will take you to your chat thread on WhatsApp. Type a message and press Enter. Now you can send yourself a text message. You can pin the chat thread to make it available at the top.

Method 2: Using Click to Chat Feature

WhatsApp offers a feature known as Click to Chat, where you can send someone a message without their number on your phoneWe will use the help of this concept to message ourselves. To do this, follow these steps: Step 1: Add your … phone number at the end of the link including the country code but without symbols and space. You can use any note-taking app for this. If your phone is +91 1234567890, your link is You can also use the link directly – Copy and paste this link in your browser on your phone

Step 2: WhatsApp starts your chat thread. Send a message for it to appear in the chat thread. Then pin it as shown below. Now you can easily send yourself a message. Note: Perform step 1 only once.

Pin WhatsApp Group or Chat

Typically, the group or chat thread you created to message yourself disappears when you receive new messages. To always keep it on top, you can pin it. That makes it easy to message yourself quickly. To do this, press and hold the group name on WhatsApp home screen on Android and select Pin at the top.

On the iPhone, swipe right over the group in WhatsApp home screen and select Pin.

Why send yourself a message on WhatsApp

Unless you haven’t thought about it, it makes sense to message yourself on WhatsApp. The reason is that we use WhatsApp on a daily basis. We open the app several times a day. So why not use it as our journal or a to-do tool. Amazing, right? You will not disturb anyone by doing this. You can delete the messages at any time. Furthermore, you can even use it as a file transfer tool to transfer content between your phone and laptop via WhatsApp Web. The next up: Do you want to block someone on WhatsApp and if they know? Learn what happens when you block a person on WhatsApp.

How to Cre­ate What­sApp Group With Only You as Participant: benefits


Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Cre­ate What­sApp Group With Only You as Participant. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends. For our visitors: If you have any queries regards the How to Cre­ate What­sApp Group With Only You as Participant, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Education: This guide or tutorial is just for educational purposes. Misinformation: If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide “How to Cre­ate What­sApp Group With Only You as Participant”, then kindly contact us. Want to add an alternate method: If anyone wants to add more methods to the guide How to Cre­ate What­sApp Group With Only You as Participant, then kindly contact us. Our Contact: Kindly use our contact page regards any help. You may also use our social and accounts by following us on Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We always love to help you. We answer your questions within 24-48 hours (Weekend off). Channel: If you want the latest software updates and discussion about any software in your pocket, then here is our Telegram channel.

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