How to create a backup and permanently delete Google account – Guide

Assuming you’re done with Google or have an old account that you’ll never need again, this is how you want to close your account. Whether you need to close your Google account for protection reasons or are trying to decrease the amount of internet accounts you have, the cycle takes some effort and time, but it should be possible without much struggle. The key is to invest in some opportunity to download a duplicate of all your information and double-check that none of your web-based accounts use the Gmail address you are going to close. It would be a shame to assume that you lost access to your financial balance as you did not change your email address beforehand. Underneath I’ll guide you through support up your Google account information and then guide you’re on the right path to closing your Google account.

What happens when you delete your Google account?

After deleting your Google account, you find the following results.

How to create a backup of your Google account data before closing it?

Google Takeout allows users to save data linked to their Google account across all Google services such as Chrome, Drive, Photos and Hangouts. The Takeout service exports all data to a file that you can download and keep on your device. To create a backup of your Google account, follow these steps. The time to export your data from Google will depend on its size. It usually takes a few hours to a few days to gather all the data.

How to close your google account?

Once your Google data is saved to your desired storage, you can proceed with the account deletion. To permanently close your Google account, follow these steps.

Final note

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