How to create a backup recovery service with Microsoft Azure – Guide

It is an unfortunate but undeniable truth that all personal computers are under constant and persistent threat of attack. According to a September 2021 report by cybersecurity firm Positive Technologies, in the second quarter, ransomware was responsible for 69% of all attacks involving malware. Every user, regardless of device or operating system, should have a backup recovery plan for their data – everyone. While not an out-of-the-box operation by any stretch of the imagination, Microsoft Azure and an Azure-related Windows 10 application can provide a working cloud-based system, folder, and file backup recovery service at a reasonable price. The first step is to create an Azure account, which new users can do for free for a year. The rest of the process, however, is more complex.

How to create a backup recovery service with Microsoft Azure

Assuming you have created your Azure account, use your web browser to navigate to the Microsoft Azure Portal and log in with your administrator-level credentials. The first order of business is to create a Recovery Services vault, which is part of the Backup Center. Click + Vault button in the menu and create your Recovery Services vault. there are many data sources available. Press Continue to go to the next setup screen. there aren’t many questions to answer to complete the setup. Name your vault, associate it with a resource, and choose a server location. When the vault configuration is defined, click Review + Create button. We’ll still ignore the tags for this tutorial. Click on the Create button button again to complete the process. It will take a few minutes for Azure to create the vault. When deployment is complete, click Go to resource button, which will take you to your newly created vault dashboard. To create a backup process for our Azure Recovery Vault, click on the + Backup item in the menu to access the configuration screen. On this page, you will select the type of backup and recovery process you want to create. To back up files to your client PC, select In place in the first box and then make your backup choices in the second box. In the MARS agent, click on the Schedule backup item in the menu on the right and you can choose which files and folders you want to restore up, how often you want them updated and how long you want them to be retained. With a one-year free trial period, this backup and recovery method is both cost-effective and efficient. After the trial period, there will be some cost associated with the service, but it will be minimal, based only on the amount of data involved. However, this Azure service will provide significant peace of mind if you are unfortunate enough to be attacked by ransomware or some other malicious individual with criminal intent.

Final note

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