How to Create an Empty Home Screen on Your iPhone – Guide

Is your favorite wallpaper hidden behind a wall of iPhone apps? Follow these four methods to create a blank Home Instead, use your iPhone screen. Some of us like the simpler things in life: a cluttered Instagram feed, wired headphones, or minimal iPhone wallpapers. If you prefer a super minimalist iPhone wallpaper, you should consider making your own. Home White screen. Sometimes app icons can mess up your iPhone Home And that’s not the relaxing first page you’d want to see when unlocking your device.

1. Remove apps from Home One by One screen

The simplest way to create blank spaces Home Your iPhone screen is for moving all the apps from the Home Screen to next page. Here it is how to do it:

2. Fill your iPhone Home Screen with invisible app icons

An alternative way to customize your iPhone Home The screen is for creating invisible icons. To do this, you would need to take a screenshot of an empty page, create blank icons and download the result. final as wallpaper. In another words, what you’re doing is creating app icons using different parts of the screenshot you took. This way, the icons will appear to “disappear” into the wallpaper because it is cut from the same fabric. We will see how to do it:

3. Use Widgets to Quickly Empty Your iPhone Home Screen

With iOS 14, you can skip the trick to upload your wallpaper to certain websites and download empty icons. Here, you have two options: use a Siri suggestion or a transparent widget app. The following steps will guide using Siri’s suggestion widget:

4. Add transparent widgets to create white space Home Screen

For the transparent widget method, here is what you need to do: The TWid app is great because it automatically updates each widget whenever you update your wallpaper in the app. This means you still need to upload a new blank Home Screenshot in app but will do the rest. If you don’t get an automatic update, tap Settings > Update Widgets in the app and they should all be synced. Please share this article if you like it!

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Create an Empty Home Screen on Your iPhone. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

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