How to create breakout rooms in Google Meet – Guide

Today, we continue with the “Google Hacks” series for educators. Current concentration: Breakout rooms. Since March, instructors have been trying to meet with students using video conferencing programming like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet to talk to students. Generally, these devices are doing a very stable job, allowing educators to convey guidance to their students across a social environment. However, what can be said about small meetings? How can instructors reproduce meaningful personalized guidance that accompanies small-meeting group guidance and bring it to the web? Come in… Themed rooms on Google Meet!

How to create themed rooms on Google Meet (as moderator)

you can create up to 100 themed rooms on Google Meet. Google recommends limiting themed room privileges to moderators, particularly for teachers with a classroom full of students.

How to join, leave, edit or close all themed rooms

Once you’ve created themed rooms, you can make changes to them or join them on your own. A note to you and your themed room participants: moderators can only see the internal messages of a themed room while they are in it.

How to join Google Meet themed rooms (as a participant)

You will receive an invitation to join a room that has been created for you. When the themed rooms are finished, you will receive a notification that you are returning to the main room.

Final note

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