Guide: How to create GitHub-Hosted Blog using Jekyll

Jekyll is a platform used for static websites that just wants publish content quicklyThe biggest problem with Jekyll is it dependence on command line methodsIf you’re not CLI friendly, you will never bother to touch Jekyll. Fortunately, you can get an easy intro with Jekyll now, a free tool used for clone and launch your own Jekyll blog directly on GitHub Of course Jekyll Now is totally free And his all powered by GitHub, so your links should be online forever. The only drawback is this technique does not work for your self-hosted domainUnfortunately, there really is a lot at Jekyll, and if you want it performed locally then you should picking up the documentation and practice. Jekyll Now is the perfect tool for complete novices who want to try Jekyll and see what it’s all about. Just you clone a Jekyll repo to your own GitHub account, rename it, and you should be ready to go. It comes with a default responsive theme and settings for writing your own messages, so the process shouldn’t take more than five minutes. Here are the to step Fork Jekyll Now from this repo. Edit the _config.yml file to add a site name. Write your first blog post! To actually write messages on Jekyll, you have to understand the basics of MarkdownYou can be hosted on the Jekyll Now website from this page. There is actually a lot you can learn from the Jekyll Now website so I definitely recommend it viewing it before doing anything else. You will find animated GIFs demonstrate each step in the process along with useful text and tips if you get lost.

There really is no easier way break into Jekyll than with Jekyll Now. Her the absolute best tool for beginners for learning and publishing a Jekyll blog online. If you’re brand new then follow the quick start guide, and see where it takes you. By the end you should have a running blog and you can even customize it with free themes like these: LeftLanyon Minimal errors

How to create GitHub-Hosted Blog using Jekyll: benefits


Final note

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