It could also be that you’re putting together a collection of images for a birthday gift for a partner and don’t want them to accidentally stumble across it when they borrow your phone. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to hide these files or folders on your Android device. No additional apps are required, and the process only takes a few seconds. Besides, it is just as easy to make the files visible again. We have mentioned steps below to Create Hidden folders on Android smartphone

Steps to Create Hidden folders on Android smartphone

Final Words

That’s it with our article on how to Create Hidden folders on Android smartphone. The photo gallery on your smartphone stores every picture you take. Images you don’t want people to see could readily be seen by a pair of interested eyes. Maybe you have pictures containing private information, suggestions for gifts for loved ones, or just a tone of memes that you wish to delete off your main photo reel. Whatever the cause, hiding pictures from the gallery is simple.

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