How to Create New Tile Groups on Windows 10 Start Menu – Guide

You can enable or disable recently added apps, most used apps and recently opened items. You can choose which folders you want to see on the Start menu and remove, add or move specific icons from the Start menu. You can also move the taskbar to the left to return the Start button button to your most familiar place. Here are some ways to tweak the Windows 11 Start Menu. First, let’s take a look at the new Start Menu to see what it looks and works like. In Windows 11, click the Start button button on the taskbar. At the top of the window is a search box that you can use to search for apps, files, settings, and other items. The next section shows all apps that have been pinned by you or pinned by default. click on the up or right down arrow to see all pinned apps. Most pinned apps are already installed; Some will be installed when you first click on them. Accessing all installed apps requires an extra step by clicking All apps button. The Recommended section shows recently added apps and recently opened items, including apps and files. Your profile icon will appear at the bottom, allowing you to change account settings, lock your PC, or log out.

Tile Groups in the Start Menu in Windows 10

When you start using Windows 10, you will see that some tiles are already in groups. For example, you will see a group of “Productivity” and “Explore” app tiles. You can easily add more blocks to these existing groups by dragging them into an existing group. The process is similar to rearranging icons on your smartphone. I’m moving the Microsoft News tile from the “Explore” group to the “Productivity” group in the example below.

Create your own tile groups in the start menu

But let’s take a look at creating a new custom group of blocks. Just drag the tiles you want in a group to an open area of ​​the Start menu. In the following example, I pinned some system settings to Start and created a system settings block group. I dragged everything I wanted into an open area of ​​the Start menu.

Resize Start Menu Blocks

Remember that you can also resize tiles from the Start menu. This allows you to arrange and arrange your group’s pieces to your liking. To do this, right-click on a tile and choose Resize and select small, medium, large, or wide.

Pin apps to launch

Note that not all installed apps will create a tile in the Start menu. So, to get everything in place, you’ll probably need to pin some of your installed apps to the Start menu. To do this, drag an app from the Apps column on the left to a group of tiles on the right. Or you can right-click on an app in the list and click Pin to Start and move the tile to where you want it.

Move entire groups of blocks

Once you’ve created a group, you can move everything wherever you want in the Start menu. Just click on the group name bar and drag it wherever you want. For example, here I am dragging the System Settings group closer to the top.

Final note

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