Guide: How to Create YouTube Ban­ners in GIMP

An impressive channel home page is an absolute must-have if you’re thinking about getting big on YouTube. And if yours is blank or doesn’t reflect the overall aesthetic of your channel, change that right away. If you’re not sure where to start, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’ll show you how to create a stunning YouTube banner in GIMP to add personality and style to your channel. So download GIMP if you don’t have it installed on your system. Download GIMP Let’s jump right in right now.

Download the YouTube Channel Art template

To create an impressive YouTube banner, you need to know its exact dimensions and how it will display on different devices. While you can easily search for the dimensions, setting up the canvas so that the banner looks good on all devices is not that simple.

That’s why I’ve created a simple template that you can use to create a banner without worrying about alignment. Download the template from the link below and open it in GIMP. Then follow my example. Download YouTube banner template

Customize the YouTube channel art template

Now that you’ve downloaded and opened the template in GIMP, follow these easy steps to customize it for your channel: Step 1: Create a new layer with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + N.

Step 2: Fill the layer with a background color of your choice using the Shift + B shortcut, select a foreground color and click the new layer.

I choose the Guiding Tech brand colors in this case, but you can choose any color you want. I would personally avoid the YouTube colors. You want your banner to stand out, not in the YouTube UI, right? Since the solid background looks a bit dull, I will add a gradient to the background with the gradient tool. Step 3: Select the gradient tool with the keyboard shortcut G and select your foreground and background colors by clicking on the colored square below all tools.

Step 4: Now left click on one edge of the canvas, hold the click and drag your mouse all the way to the other edge and release. That adds a gradient in the colors of your choice, from one point to another. You can also change the opacity of the gradient using the slider on the left.

Again, I prefer our brand colors, but you can choose whatever you want. You can even play with the direction of the gradient.

Then we’ll add the channel name and logo (if applicable). Make sure to mark all important information in the inner rectangle with the guidesThat ensures that nothing is cut out when someone opens the YouTube channel on a device with a smaller screen. Step 5: You can add the channel logo by dragging and dropping the file to the background and then use the text tool to add any other text you want to add.

Here I used the GT logo and added our channel description with the typing tool. You can also adjust the font size and style with the pop-up text tool. Now that we have the logo and text in place, let’s add some cool images to the banner. If you don’t have access to images, just search for the free GIMP graphics package on YouTube and download the package you like.

Then open up the graphics package in GIMP and follow these steps to apply some cool elements to your banner. Step 6: Select the image you want to add by clicking on the layer and then dragging it onto your banner.

Step 7: Paste the layer on the banner by dropping the selection in the background.

Step 8: Use the Unified Transform Tool (Shift + T) to adjust the size and alignment of the images and change the opacity if needed.

Once you’ve created a layout for your YouTube banner, you can save it as a .PNG file by using the keyboard shortcut Shift + Ctrl + E and selecting .PNG from the Select File Type menu.

Now that you’ve saved your banner as a .PNG image, it’s time to upload it to YouTube.

Upload your new YouTube banner to your channel

Follow these steps to upload your YouTube banner: Step 1: Log in to your YouTube account, go to your channel and click Edit channel button

Step 2: In the next screen, click Add Channel Image button on the top.

Step 3: Upload your YouTube banner in the next window by clicking Select a photo from your computer button and choose the PNG file you just saved.

After the file is uploaded, YouTube will show you what your new banner will look like on desktop, TV and mobileMake sure everything is okay and use the Adjust crop button if you want to make some minor changes.

You can even check the Auto Enhance option if you want YouTube to make some subtle enhancements to your banner. When you are satisfied with the result, click Select and you are done.

Create your own YouTube banner right away

Now that you know all the basics to make a YouTube banner, I’m sure you can make a great banner for your channel, the one I made for this guide is pretty easy, but you can play with some of the other tools in Photoshop to make yours stand out. The next up If you are new to GIMP and have trouble with layers, check out our next layers to get a quick overview of how to use layers in GIMP.

How to Create YouTube Ban­ners in GIMP: benefits

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[wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”Tutorial summary of How to Create YouTube Ban­ners in GIMP”] In this guide, we told you about the How to Create YouTube Ban­ners in GIMP; please read all steps so that you understand How to Create YouTube Ban­ners in GIMP in case if you need any assistance from us, then contact us. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”How this tutorial helping you?”] So in this guide, we discuss the How to Create YouTube Ban­ners in GIMP, which undoubtedly helps you. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What is actual time in which this method complete?”] The time to complete the How to Create YouTube Ban­ners in GIMP tutorial is 10+ minutes. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What are the supported Device?”] PC Laptop or Desktop [/wpsm_accordion_section] [/wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_divider top=”2px” bottom=”15px” style=”fadeout”]

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Create YouTube Ban­ners in GIMP. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends. For our visitors: If you have any queries regards the How to Create YouTube Ban­ners in GIMP, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Education: This guide or tutorial is just for educational purposes. Misinformation: If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide “How to Create YouTube Ban­ners in GIMP”, then kindly contact us. Want to add an alternate method: If anyone wants to add more methods to the guide How to Create YouTube Ban­ners in GIMP, then kindly contact us. Our Contact: Kindly use our contact page regards any help. You may also use our social and accounts by following us on Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We always love to help you. We answer your questions within 24-48 hours (Weekend off). Channel: If you want the latest software updates and discussion about any software in your pocket, then here is our Telegram channel.

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