How To Customize an Android device With GravityBox – Guide

If you’ve used the Xposed Framework before, you’re probably already familiar with GravityBox. In case you didn’t know, GravityBox is a complete customization toolkit for Android that lets you modify the lock screen, navigation bar, status bar, screen, software and hardware actions buttons, and much more. It took a long time for the popular module to be updated with support for Android 11, but after an immense amount of work, Senior Recognized Developer C3C076 recently made it happen. With the debut of GravityBox 11.0.0-beta-1, one of the biggest tweak boxes available for Xposed has now been made compatible with the latest iteration of Android. Keep in mind that the official version of Xposed Framework, maintained by Senior Recognized Developer rovo89, has not had a new version since early 2018, which is why users need to set up Riru and EdXposed Manager via Magisk before installing the module.

How to customize your android with GravityBox

Final note

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