How to Customize/Insert a Signature Line in Microsoft Excel – Guide

If you have a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that you need someone to check, confirm, or accept, you can sign it. Here we will show you how to add and customize a signature line in your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. We mainly think of signature lines in terms of contracts, legal documents and real estate agreements. You can create these types of documents and request signatures using Microsoft Word. But with Excel’s utility for keeping track of company finances, employee time sheets, diaries, etc., you might also need a signature on a spreadsheet. With the steps above, you can finally add electronic signatures to your Microsoft Excel workbooks. You can now sign Excel documents with your own digital signature or signature image file. Just remember to treat it as if it were a real paper document. So stick to the default company theme, signature date, if you need an invisible signature or a visible signature. Not only does this tool allow you to add a digital signature, it also becomes a really powerful means of operation at times when collaboration by everyone in the office is not an option when paired with authenticated digital certificates.

How to Insert and Customize a Signature Line in Microsoft Excel

Create a signature line in Excel using Microsoft Office signature line

Sign an electronic signature or digital signature in Excel

Remove Digital Signature in an Excel Document

Just right-click the signature line and click Remove signature.

Add Invisible Digital Signatures in Excel

An invisible digital signature protects the origin of the document. However, it makes Excel documents read-only unless the website makes the necessary changes.

Remove Invisible Digital Signatures in Excel

Final note

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