How to Delete Messages in Signal Private Messenger – Guide

Recently, many people have opted for Signal Messenger to protect their users’ data and privacy, which means that many users are still getting familiar with the app. As a result, many things about how it works are still relatively unknown, and an important feature it is very important to pass up – that is, the ability to delete sent messages or cancel a message. The fact that this is not possible in Apple’s iMessage app is one of the reasons why so many users have switched to Signal or WhatsApp, both of which offer the ability to delete sent messages before the recipient sees them. If you want to delete a message in Signal, you first need to make sure you have downloaded a recent version of the app as some older versions of Signal do not allow you to delete messages after sending. However, if you have a newer version installed, the process is relatively simple:

How to delete messages in Signal private messenger

How to delete messages in Signal on your phone

How to delete messages in Signal on your desktop

Final note

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