How to Delete Old Text Messages Automatically on iPhone/iPad – Guide

Is your iPhone suddenly running out of storage? While you’re busy looking for the likely reasons, you can take a look at the Messages app. iPhone and iPad store text messages and iMessages locally. This means that your device may have conversations that took place several years or months ago. So, it is always a good practice to automatically delete old text messages on iPhone and iPad to save lots of storage space. Messages on your iPhone or iPad remain saved until you manually delete them. If you use iMessage frequently, it may take a while. up a significant chunk of disk space over time. To get rid of unnecessary old chats and unwanted SMS or to clean up your device, you may want to remove all old messages. Messages on your iPhone or iPad remain saved until you manually delete them. If you use iMessage frequently, it may take a while. up a significant chunk of disk space over time. To get rid of unnecessary old chats, unwanted SMS or to clean up your device, you may want to remove all old messages. We all know that Android phones allow your customers to expand storage space with a microSD card. However, iPhone and iPad have limited storage capacity that cannot be increased with microSD cards. However, iOS has an automatic deletion of old messages feature that owners can set.

How to Automatically Delete Old Text Messages on iPhone/iPad

For example, you can have iOS automatically remove any conversation that is older than 30 days or any message that is older than a year. You can choose your preferred cut for old messages by following the steps below. Please note that when messages are removed from your device, they are permanently gone.

Final note

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