How to delete Signal Account – Guide

Signal Texting is one of the safest and fastest messaging tools available. All your communications and calls with other users are end-to-end encrypted. However, some users find Signal Messaging features too simple for their liking. Others choose to use more popular chat programs like Messenger or Telegram. If you are one of them, first remove your account before deleting the mobile application. You won’t have to worry about other people looking for you on the platform using your phone number this way. Anyway, here it is how to unregister your Signal account for Android and iOS. Let’s start without further ado.

How to delete your Signal account

If you are no longer using your Signal account, you can delete it or unregister your number. By doing so, you can prevent others from recognizing you as a Signal user. You can delete your Signal account if you are using an iOS or Android device. Follow our quick step by step tutorial below to find out how.

On Android:

After deleting your account, you can go ahead and uninstall your Signal app if you wish. You can do this from the app drawer or by going to your phone Settings > Apps > Signal and selecting Uninstall.

On iOS:

Please note that by deleting your account, you will also lose all chat history, media, contacts and other application files. If you try to use your number for a new account, you will start one from scratch.

If you want to remove all data and unlink your Signal account from your computer, go to Preferences and select Clear Data. After doing this, you will be logged out of the desktop app. Please note that clearing all your data in the desktop app will not delete your Signal account. You can only unregister your phone number through the Android or iOS app.

Final note

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