How to Delete Your Twitter Account – Guide

Do you want to get rid of your Twitter account? There are many reasons why you might want to delete your account, such as not wanting to use the platform anymore, creating a new account, or closing a business account. Depending on why you are deleting your account, you may want to do this as soon as possible. Fortunately, you can delete your Twitter account in a few simple steps. While there is a 30-day deactivation period, during this period your account will be (mostly) invisible. In this article, we will show you how to delete your twitter account. We will also explain some precautions you should take to ensure that all your information is permanently deleted and offer account deletion alternatives that may be more suitable for some users.

How to delete your twitter account

How to delete twitter on desktop

How to delete twitter on iphone

How to delete twitter on android

Final note

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