How to Disable Edge’s New URL Copy and Paste Feature – Guide

If you are using a recent version of Microsoft’s Edge browser, you may have noticed that the way of copying and pasting URLs has changed. Starting with version 87 of Edge for Windows or 88 for macOS, you’ll find that by default trying to copy and paste a URL from an address bar will paste the webpage title as a hyperlink rather than directly into your URL. doing, this can be helpful. If you’re sending an email that you want to be well-formatted with hyperlinks, this can save you some time. You can still paste a simple URL if you use the command Ctrl+Shift+V to paste the simple URL without formatting it. But there are many occasions when you just want to get a URL without having to remember to press an extra button. Not to mention the fact that there are a lot of web pages with confusing titles that don’t share very well. For example, look at the page title of an individual tweet and you will see that it contains the full text of the tweet, which looks confusing when you try to paste it.

How to Disable New Edge Copy and Paste URL Feature

First, you can still paste the traditional URL even when the new copy and paste from browser feature is enabled. For that, you need to use the shortcut keys Ctrl+Shift+V instead of the native Ctrl+V. But since using an additional key every time when pasting a link is not something one would prefer to do, let’s check out the steps to disable it completely feature completely.

Final note

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