How to Disable Extension Toolbar Menu of Google Chrome – Guide

A new experiment was started by Google. Chrome hides extension icons by default for certain users. The browser hides them behind an extension menu instead of placing them to the right of the address bar. The extension toolbar menu is a feature that has been around for some time. Last summer it was already revealed. You can hide unnecessary extensions buttons from the toolbar while the menu is active. Select ‘Unpin’ from the context menu when right-clicking on an extension. Google has embarked on a new experiment. For some users, Chrome hides extension icons by default. Instead of placing them to the right of the address bar, the browser hides them behind an extension menu. The extension toolbar menu has been around for a while. It was already announced last summer. As long as the menu is open, you can hide superfluous extensions buttons from the toolbar. When right-clicking on an extension, choose ‘Unpin’ from the context menu.

How to Disable Google Chrome Extension Toolbar Menu

Final note

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