How to Disable Fleets on Twitter for iOS and Android Device – Guide

Twitter has decided to join Instagram and Facebook and some other platforms and create stories for its users as well. These stories are called fleets, and the overall reception of the concept has been mixed. Some people loved it and immediately got on the fleet train. Others just think there’s no place for stories on Twitter. If you’re in the latter group, you probably want to remove fleets from your Twitter feed. When it comes to Twitter fleets, the good news is that the Twitter apps for Android and iOS are identical and it doesn’t matter which device you are using, as the interface is exactly the same. This means the steps to remove fleets will be the same in both. Before walking you through the process of removing fleets, you need to understand that the only way to do this is to silence the person who posted the fleet. Fleets appear above the home timeline and allow anyone to share text, videos, GIFs, stickers or photos that will persist for 24 hours. Fleets are designed for Android and iOS only. Unlike tweets, you cannot retweet fleets. If you post a fleet, people can also respond by sending a message or emoji. You’ll have to individually mute each person who posts them, and once you’ve done that, you won’t see any more fleets. Just because you mute someone’s fleets doesn’t mean you can’t see their tweets in the feed.

How to disable fleets on twitter

We need to make some adjustments to get rid of Fleets on Twitter. Below I have listed three different ways to disable fleets on Twitter. Go through them and follow whichever suits you best.

mute twitter

This method is easy for people with a limited number of followers. You need to go through all users who are actively posting fleets on twitter and deactivate them. How to mute twitter fleet on twitter. You can follow the same steps for another account to completely get rid of Twitter Fleets on Android and iOS.

Make a list timeline

Twitter fleets are only available on home screen. If you don’t want to see them, you can create a list and see the tweets in the list’s timeline instead of the normal home screen. However, every time you open Twitter it starts with the default view and you have to tap on the list to get rid of the fleets.

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Disable Fleets on Twitter for iOS and Android Device. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.