How to Disable Message Requests On Instagram – Guide

Similar to Facebook Messenger, there are message requests on Instagram, which is part of Facebook. Message requests appear when a person you don’t follow on Instagram or someone not on your contact list sends you a message. As you may know, you must accept message requests before they appear in your chat list. However, messages sent by people you follow on Instagram end up directly to your chat list. That means it’s normal to get a lot of DM requests every day if you’re a celebrity, athlete, or big influencer on Instagram. These bulk message requests can become annoying and affect your productivity. Also, constant notifications about new direct message requests can be very annoying. If you don’t want to receive messages from unknown people on Instagram, it might be a good idea to completely block message requests from other people. Fortunately, there is now a privacy setting on Instagram that lets you control who can message you or connect with you via DM. This particular feature is part of the new Instagram Messenger experience. It is certainly useful for Insta users who want to prevent direct messages from strangers without blocking them. In addition to strangers or other people, you can also block message requests from your Instagram followers, Facebook friends, and people with your phone number. Now let’s see How to disable message requests on Instagram.

How to disable message requests on Instagram

Final note

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