How to Disable Syncing Google Contacts to an iPhone – Guide

Have you ever used Google Contacts to store important numbers for your family, workplace, and friends? However, many iPhone users have problems and are confused when using both programs on their iPhones. You can stop syncing Google Contacts with iPhone if you don’t want duplicate contacts to appear in your contact list. See how. iPhone users are not very familiar with Google Contacts as they already enjoy the benefits of iCloud accounts. This brings us to the conclusion post an article that will help you stop syncing Google Contacts with your iPhone. There are several ways to delete Google contacts from your iPhone. If you want to stop syncing Google contacts with your iPhone, you’ll need to disable syncing Google contacts in Settings. So you can stop syncing Google contacts with your iPhone. However, if you’ve set Google Contacts as your default location for contacts. This method will then automatically change your default sync location for contacts on iCloud. This will save all your new contacts to your iCloud account.

So, below are steps to stop syncing your Google contacts with iPhone

Final note

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How to Disable Syncing Google Contacts to an iPhone  2022  - 35How to Disable Syncing Google Contacts to an iPhone  2022  - 60How to Disable Syncing Google Contacts to an iPhone  2022  - 66How to Disable Syncing Google Contacts to an iPhone  2022  - 42