How to Disable Touch Keyboard Autocorrect on Windows 11 PC – Guide

Windows operating system including Microsoft’s newly released Windows 11 has a virtual keyboard or touch keyboard feature which allows users to have an on-screen keyboard when the physical keyboard is not working properly or when the device is in use in tablet mode. The touch keyboard in Windows 11 also supports autocorrect, which automatically corrects misspellings words when you use the virtual keyboard. However, not everyone wants that. feature and some even find it boring. If you are one of those who don’t want to use touch keyboard autocorrect feature on Windows 11 OS, so here is a walkthrough guide in how to easily disable it in settings. When you type, autocorrect changes the word completely and it can be extremely frustrating when you know the word you typed is correct. This one feature is also available on smartphones, mobile devices and others. This is a useful feature for most people, especially those who have spelling problems or when using a different language. If you know what you’re doing and can just put up with auto correction, especially if you choose words than you want it can be time consuming and the following steps will show you how to disable it in Windows 11.

How to disable touch keyboard autocorrect on Windows 11 PC

Final note

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